Wednesday 1 June 2011




Having positive relationships with others nourishes your personal growth and enhances your mental wellbeing. In relationship building, the ability to ‘read’ others’ body language would also improve your communication skills and enable greater understanding.

The following tips will help you build positive relationships with parents, friends, colleagues, supervisors and anyone you communicate with in your community. In the space provided please write what you think each of the seven terms mean in a relationship of your choice (i.e. parents, friends, partner etc).

1.    Seek mutual respect

2.    Understand and appreciate each other’s perspective

3.    Use two-way communication

4.    Set common goals

5.    Have realistic expectations

6.    Clarify responsibilities

7.    Be positive



1.   Positive relationships result in important physiological, emotional, and social consequences.
2.    Positive relationships help people perform better in tasks and learn more effectively.
3.    Positive relationships demonstrate a commitment to your relationships, with friends and family, work and study environments and consequently promote groovy vibes in the wider community.
4.    The key to building positive relationships is working at relationships in situations involving negative communications. 

       Non-verbal language and building positive relationships.

Non-verbal communication is a constant back-and-forth process. Effective non-verbal communication can depend on self-awareness and an understanding of the cues you’re communicating. Significantly the ability to accurately pick up on the cues others are sending you ‘clears the interference’ between you.

Meaningful communication and translation requires your full concentration and attention. If you are considering your response before the end of the incoming message, not actively listening/observing, or thinking about something else, you will overlook key nonverbal cues in the conversation. Tune into the moment-to-moment experience in order to understand the message is.
It takes more than words to create fulfilling, strong relationships. Nonverbal communication has a huge impact on the quality of our relationships. Nonverbal communication skills improve relationships by helping you read other people, including the emotions they’re feeling and the unspoken messages they’re sending. It fosters trust in relationships by sending nonverbal signals that match your words and responding with nonverbal cues illustrates to others that you understand.

Non-verbal cues

1.    Eye contact:
2.    Facial expression
3.    Tone of voice
4.    Posture and gesture
5.    Touch
6.    Voice (Yes). We communicate with our voices, even when we are not using words (tone, pitch, volume, inflection, rhythm, and rate).

Non-verbal cues in action

1. Hand mannerisms when talking such as making circular movements reinforces a person’s thought or idea.
2. An individual can show disagreement or opposition to what is being said through their glances, movement of the head from left to right, or even rolling of the eyes.
3. When complimenting someone nonverbal gestures add to the words of gratitude like a pat on the back for a job well done or a handshake.
4. Nonverbal communication can also emphasize ideas by using forceful gestures like pounding a fist on a table or voice tone because an assertive voice tone helps to convey pertinent points.

         Building positive relationships creates richer communities!


  1. letting u know i was not there today but i am doing my catch up and reading what i have missed

  2. No worries Stacey thanks for letting me know and also for your posts.
