Tuesday 7 June 2011


TUESDAY 7th June 2011

Most of us were taught when we were young to not ask so many questions and do what you’re told. Don’t stick out and people won’t notice you, keep quiet and you won’t get in trouble. Let go of those bad habits and learn to become a person who believes in what they think and has the confidence to speak up.
People can rant as much as they want, but they cannot refute logical comebacks with clear solutions. Whenever someone choosing to yell on or rant, listen to what they have to say and think carefully about what they are saying before you respond. When you respond, look them directly in the eye and speak in a clear and calm voice.
Humans exchange feelings, thoughts, ideas, opinions, and information in many different ways using a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior

          Example of using inappropriate expression of own ideas and beliefs

During a job interview Mr. Blabber began discussing his political opinions. While the interviewer disagreed with his opinion she was startled by the impropriety of his political discussion in a work setting.
Especially in an interview, Mr. Blabber’s lack of judgment sent a clear message to the interviewer about his level of common sense and his ability to represent the organization.
Not satisfied with his initial remarks, Mr. Blabber went on to tell the interviewer how he voted and also past comments about the political bumper stickers he had seen in the company parking lot. At this point, the interview fell apart and became nothing more than a time wasting chat that lasted until Mr. Blabber was politely informed the interview was over.
Ideally an employer doesn’t care about an applicant’s beliefs and/or politics. Therefore, political discussion is normally unwise in any work setting. Mr. Bladder failed to demonstrate good judgment as he voiced his political views during an interview.
In a workplace that honours diversity, issues of political leanings, religious beliefs, sexual activities, and opinions about non-work issues, should, for the most part be kept private. Unless you work in a setting that is dependent on a particular set of beliefs, such as a Political Party office, a lobby group or a religious group. You risk conflict with supervisors and colleagues when you raise sensitive subjects at work.
Freedom of expression is great in the workplace, especially if you want an environment that respects diversity, encourages alternative ideas, and allows room for respectful disagreement.

Factors that will help you to voice your opinions and ideas:

Know what you want
Make sure that before attempting to open your mouth that your 100% clear on the ideas that you want to express because it will give you the confidence to stand by your words. When your audience can see that you are confident then they will more alert and want to listen.
Keep it basic
Think why you switch off when someone is voicing their opinion. Remember school with teachers lecturing in front of the class. Being lectured to is boring! There really is no need to use big words. The simple facts will be more than enough to keep the audience engaged. It's extremely annoying to have someone lecturing you for 30 minutes, when the information could have been kept basic and short.
Pretend that you are alone
One of the fears of having to express your opinion in front of a crowd is how you will be perceived by the audience. Can you really afford to let anxiety get in the way? Picture yourself alone and voicing your opinion to yourself! Your nerves will remain calm and allow you to remain focused on the topic.
Revise before you talk
Yes revision of your conversation will help you take it to the next level. The very fact that you are confident and know what you are talking about will help significantly. When people realize that you are confident in your ideas they will trust you. Learning to voice your thoughts and opinions really is a simple process. We are all human and each of us has worries and fears.

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