Tuesday 14 June 2011


Hi Gang

Delivering thoughts and feelings towards other people effectively is an important part of communicating. Yet, it seems much verbal expression of ideas, thoughts and emotions do not come easy to many people. Expressing your ideas, thoughts and emotions (emotions may not necessary be that simple), involves putting them into words. You need to verbally communicate your thoughts for your ideas/thoughts to be understood by your listeners. The expressions of your thoughts take into account various factors which are considered effective when conveying your message.
Your thoughts and feelings are generally in unison, which means that whatever you think is likely to manifest in your emotions. Along with good verbalization of ideas a proper display of emotions is required.
Not everyone has the ability to effectively express thoughts and feelings. Have encountered people who get tongue-tied when asked about their opinions? Some are comfortable with silence, and while others struggle to release their emotions. This is actually considered a barrier in communication. It must be resolved in order to start building effective communication skills.

Communicate Clearly and Openly

Misunderstandings and misinterpretations are frequently ingrained from lack of clear and open communication. If you choose to stay silent instead of speaking out and say to a person what you feel or think, do not be surprised if your relationship is based on incessant arguments and disagreements. Do not expect the person to read your mind when you keep things to yourself.

A few tips on how to communicate clearly and openly:

1.   Do not hesitate to open up and talk. You will never learn to express your thoughts if you allow fear of talking or speaking to overpower you.
2.   Learn from the people around you who are confident and comfortable enough in expressing what they think and feel.
3.   Avoid being vague in your statements. If you wish to be understood easily, use simple and direct statements.
4.   Tell the person what you feel as of the moment. If the conversation relies heavily on emotions, communicate as well your feelings so that you will be better understood.

It is difficult to fake emotions and let it contradict what your mind senses. For example, if you think of a bad situation such as the loss of someone, your emotions track your thoughts. To accurately express your feelings, make clear what is truly felt. The other person will have an enhanced view of how to communicate with you and avoid misinterpretations of thoughts and feelings.
Displaced emotions such as displaced anger are expressed emotions not suitable for the situation or circumstance. It could the reason why friends, family and people avoid talking to you. Be true to what you feel and let it be known in an appropriate manner.
An issue we all tend to struggle with at times some when expressing our thoughts is not being direct. We beat around the bush and talk about unnecessary details before getting to our main point. This makes us ineffective when delivering our thoughts and feelings.


         How can we cut the chase and go straight to the point?

  1. Have a clear understanding of what you wish to convey. Express the main point first then give them the explanation and offer your reasons for your point.
  2. Convey your point in the right tone for the context of the conversation because it makes it easier to express the meaning of what you are saying.
  3. Keep it simple, but not ‘dumb and dumber’. It can be argued that the more you talk, the more mistakes you make. However, by being too simple such as giving a one lined statement may leave your listener confused, find the balance.
  4. Make it a point to ask if your listener understood, to check comprehension and active listening. Never assume that the other person fully understands you.

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